Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Block 4 B Day

Please be sure that you email me a copy of your critical lens rough draft. Copy and paste the essay in an email. Sharing the document is not compatible with my email, Kmccarty@niskyschools.org

In addition, please read the sample "6" paper's introduction and the body paragraph about To Kill a Mockingbird. Read the sample "5" paper's introduction and the body paragraph about The Crucible. Annotate each text where you see the writer developing his/her ideas that are connected to the interpretation of the critical lens.

It would be most beneficial for you to read both model papers in FULL. If you are looking to do well on assignment, I would highly recommend this. Be prepared to discuss these models in class on Thursday.

Homework Block 4

  • Be sure to read the introductions and one body paragraph in each of the model essays.
  • Be sure to annotate the models for the qualities that you see in each. Remember that the purpose of reading the models is to give you a sense of how you might revise your draft in order to improve the quality of the draft. If you need additional guidance, be sure to consult the rubric attached to the models.
  • You were supposed to share your draft via googledocs so that we can get a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of the draft.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Block 2 Reminders

  • Be sure to read "To Build a Fire" for class on Wednesday. You will also need to bring Into the Wild, as we will be planning and writing a critical lens essay. The essay will serve as the final grade on the book, and the critical lens is an essay type we are working hard to perfect for the Regents examination.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Link to the TED talk you took notes on in class


fishbowl groups block 4

Fishbowl Discussion Preparation Sheet


Fishbowl Discussion Question:
Article Title:
1.     Do you believe our society is too materialistic?
“The Psychology of Materialism, and Why It’s Making you Unhappy”
Daniela, Madalyn, Sean, Julia
2.     Describe the relationship between man and nature. How can the natural world provide answers to human questions? What meaning does “the wild” hold for us? For America?
“Outdoors and Out of Reach, Studying the Brain”
Thoreau’s “Solitude” from Walden*
3.     How does one live a meaningful life? What is the difference between living deliberately and acting recklessly?
“What Makes Extreme Athletes Risk It All?
“Beautiful Brains”
4.     Is solitude beneficial/desirable? What is the difference between solitude and loneliness?
“The Power of Lonely”
Thoreau’s “Solitude” from Walden*
5.     Why do we value experience? Does experience take precedence over learning from books?
Thoreau’s “Reading” from Walden


Materials for the fishbowl discussion on Friday

American Literature                                                                                           Name:________________________

Fishbowl Discussion Preparation Sheet


Text Box: 1. Write the question that you are responsible for responding to in the circle. 
2. Watch the Ted Talk. Provide specific details from the video to help you develop your response(s).
3. Read and annotate your nonfiction article.
4. Write down ideas and responses to the question(s) below. In order to fully develop your responses, include relevant passages from Into the Wild and your article to support your ideas. Think about what both texts suggest about each question. Look at your stickies!! 
5. Have passages and specific moments from all three sources marked off to share on Friday with your discussion group. 

To prepare for the fishbowl discussion, please complete the following:


Krakauer’s Story                                                                                                                               Ted Talk
Connections to your life                                                                                                                                  

Text Box: Article



 Krakauer’s Story                                                                                                                              Ted Talk

Text Box: Article

Connections to your life