Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Block 5: Reminders and Homework for 3/17

  • Be sure to practice and study the vocabulary unit 2.
  • Chapters 1-3 of Into the Wild are due on Thursday. Be sure that you prepare the sticky notes as well.
  • Please respond to the  question below in the comment section. In addition to your response, be sure to comment on at least one classmate's response as well.
Choose an idea from Transcendentalism and then explain why you find this idea compelling and how you believe it could improve the quality of modern life. Be sure to be specific when you respond. You should reference specific quotes and ideas. Have fun!


  1. The idea that labels don't matter is important. Emerson talks of Rome. The only reason that Rome was as magnificent as it was was that Caesar believed in it. "Your dominion is as great as theirs, though without the fine names." Labels define us in the world we live in today. As a culture, stepping back from quantifying something by its name only would be great. There would be less segregation and negative energy between races and classes. Overall, it would have a positive effect on everyday life.

    1. I agree that we are sheltered and separated by people based on their class/religion/race. We would learn and be more at peace with people in our society if we did not set up invisible walls by class/religion/race.

  2. In emersons quote :“It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”
    ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
    He explains how most of us in society follow and let society's rules and opinions influence us to the point where we lose who we actually are. As we live with other people they make up who we are rather then us/ourselves making up who we are. If we all found ourselves and made up who we are ourselves we could all be more creative and thrive off new ideas. Following a society standard would also be less stressful and we could focus on who we are rather then what people are telling us to be.

    1. Yes I agree with this. We shouldn't let society and other people dictate who we are. I also agree how you said if we are all our own person, there would be so many more ideas. I think this could really benefit our future world.

    2. I totally agree with you. Having people be more them selves without society telling them what to do would change everything. Even in school, people who don't fit with society will have it easier. Society should not set standards and shouldn't be what everyone looks upon. You did a really good job on explaining this quote and really helped me get a good understanding of it.

  3. "I desire that there may be as many different persons in the world as possible."-Thoreau. Transcendentalists believe you should be yourself and not worry about what other people think about you. I think this a powerful thought and we should follow it in our lives now. Especially with social media, we shouldn't let other people influence or change us. We should listen to the Transcendentalists and be ourselves and let ourselves thrive. Also they say we shouldn't dwell on the past and I believe in that. We should learn from our past mistakes and move on and not let the past dictate our future. No one ever should be ashamed to be who they are.

    1. Being yourself should be a major concern of today's society. What with media everywhere telling you who to be and what to do, it is easy to lose yourself. You should never have to worry about someone else's opinion of you.

    2. I agree, you should learn from your past mistakes, you truely don't know if something is good or bad until you do it. Also not let past things or what is said about us change who we are, never let someones opinion weaken who you are.

    3. I completely agree with this! If we let everyone around us tell us what to do with our lives we will never be able to figure it out on our own. We should set our own path and never let others stray us because it is our life, not theirs. Also if we let the past consume us we will never move forward, learn from your mistakes but don't live by them. Take risks and enjoy the life you are given because it is yours and no one else's.

    4. I also agree self importance means a lot to someone's happyness you have to be happy with you before you can be happy make sure you like who you are express your self is a great idea.

  4. "Our inventions are wont be pretty toys,which distant our attention from serious things"(Thoreau,Walden). He is explaining that the inventions wont be things like a IPhone or a pointless toy that no one uses. HE is explaining that he is going to invent something that is going to be useful to others and to society. The Transcendentalists believe that useless things shouldn't be made more than important inventions to improve. Stuff and pointless technology has taken over much of peoples time and has got people so distant from what really matters and is important.This quote is a very important statement and it is really showing that what the Transcendentalists believe, basically saying that technology has been taken up by so many peoples lives people forget what is really important. Also and if Thoreau was going to invent something it would be something that actually helped peoples well being and not just for pointless enjoyment.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. "To be great if to be misunderstood" -Emerson

    What Emerson is saying here is that, all great people are misunderstood and to be great you are misunderstood. Also how many great people followed their own intuition in spite of criticism or misunderstanding from society. Maybe people become misunderstood in different periods of their live and they people who do deal with being misunderstood can do great things.Also usually general population does not accept or understand greatness. Meaning that society may judge or misunderstand you , and that you will have to deal with it but don't deal with that lable. I believe that we should listen to Emerson and not let people who misunderstand who you are.

    1. I think this is very important especially for our society because many people are misunderstood and tend to be cast out because they don't follow societies views. This is sad because those people who are misunderstood are actually more free than the others following societal views because they understand who they are and aren't afraid to be express this, despite being shunned by the public. People need to be willing to shrug off labels set on them by society and instead express their individuality and greatness.

    2. I agree in that people are misunderstood sometimes and it's not always what others people think, it's about what you think. You shouldn't have to always conform to societies views. You should express yourself for who you are and not what society wanst you to be.

  7. "To be great is to be misunderstood" -Emerson, "Self-Reliance"

    What Emerson means by this is that when people are seen as "Great(s)" people tend to not quiet understand what their thought process is. When some "Greats" share their ideas they're either seen as a genius or insane. Einstein for example was a genius who taught us all many things about science, especially physics. However many people thought he was insane due to his interest in the affairs of the world, his wise humorous quotations, letters and articles. He taught us all another valuable life lesson. Don't let what other people think stop you from doing what you love. Some people may not get it, but you do so don't quit!

  8. "Not till we are lost, in other words, not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves, and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations." (Thoreau, Walden)
    Transcendentalists believe that we can't find ourselves and define who we are through the things that we own. We must define ourselves through the experiences and the hardships we face. You won't be able to know who you are if you are surrounded by everything, if you strip yourself of all the finer things then you can see what type of person you really are. When a loved one passes away you are able to figure out how much pain you can tolerate, you can find if you are stronger than others or if you perform well after tragedy strikes. Buying things can't build character, it can only build status and you will never fully be yourself unless you step away from all of that and figure out who you are. If you are never faced with a problem or a hardship you will never know your limits. You can't get everything handed to you because you will never learn about your character.

  9. I believe the idea of how the transcendentalists believe that people shouldn't only want material goods makes a lot of sense. It shows how humans should find happiness in them selves
    and others instead of finding it in iteams or merchandise. It makes a lot of sense because if we were to do this we would all be in much greater interaction with one and other making us more social and happy.

    -Logan Oliver

  10. Transcendentalists believe that learning is more of an experienced base rather then teaching. They believe that people should go out into the real world and experience thing for themselves. This shows that people need to go back the simpler things in life and not always rely on someone else or technology for teaching.
