Friday, September 25, 2015

Block 5 Post your comment here!

For Tuesday be sure to bring in a revised literacy vignette with a draft and a peer review.

In the comment section please respond to the following questions: "What was helpful about peer review? How could we improve the process?"


  1. I thought having our peers read our writing to us was really helpful because you could really hear what your writing sounds like. It also gives you a sense of what you need to work on and also what sounds good. I think the process could be improved by having more people in each group. - Lauren Wood

  2. I thought that this activity was very helpful. It allowed me to get feedback from other students and see what I did well and what I could improve upon. It is great to hear your own writing from another person's perspective. When you read it yourself you may not actually read what is written on the page because in you'r head you are thinking something else. When another person reads it you can hear how it really sounds. I thought this was a good technique for editing.

  3. I thought Peer review was a great thing. It gave me an idea on what parts of my vignettes needed revising and what I should change about them. I also really loved listening to other peoples pieces. It gave me new ideas and different perspectives
    I could use in my own pieces.

  4. I think peer review is a great way to improve your writing, and to get thoughts and helpful advice from other students. When my pieces were read aloud to me and discussed, I think it really helped in the revision process. I could notice my mistakes or things I had to work on or change by working in the small groups. For the future, I think peer reviewing could be improved by having more reviewers to see your work instead of just one.

  5. I think the peer review was really helpful, as it gave me insight as to what other people thought I could use in my writing. I'm not always the best at identifying what needs help, and I think peer reviewing gave me a good insight into that. I think the peer reviewing would've been better had the groups been people I was more comfortable working with, or who gave me more specific things that needed help instead of generally stating what needed work,
    -Tia Skidmore

  6. I thought the peer review went very well. It is super helpful to know someone else's thoughts on your own writing. They can notice things you didn't and it really helps to know what to add and subtract. I think having more time and more direction to the process would help the editing run smoother and get more done in the allowed time.

  7. I think the peer review is very helpful. I received much constructive advice from my peers and getting comments from different perspectives was a quite interesting experience. Also, letting someone other than the author read the vignette helps shape the vignette, because authors usually cannot find the missing link of their vignettes by themselves.

  8. I think that the peer review was a great experience to build up my self esteem yet giving me great creative ideas on how i can fix my writing. I really hope that we do this again because i could also learn how to edit my pieces because of what i was reading in my peers over all a very good experience and i would love to do it again.

  9. I thought that it was a good experience, allowing people to feel good about their writing while getting constructive criticism that allows them to improve their writings. The idea of peer editing also makes the process less offensive, rather than saying how bad something is, you can tell them what they could change. I would have liked to get the chance to receive criticism from more experienced writers rather than just other classmates.
