Friday, November 13, 2015

For class on Tuesday!

  • Be sure that your Notice and Focus sheet is completed. If you were unable to complete the sheet in class you will need to complete it in the ERC.  You will not be able to complete this without reading Gatsby chapters 1 and 2.
  • We will be writing a character analysis piece on your assigned character in class on Tuesday.

Moore                                                                                             Name

Analysis Rubric


Remember that when you read you might consider the following list helpful for making your observations.

·        Important words or word choice

·        Patterns

·        Binaries (opposites)

·        Making the implicit explicit (Making things obvious that might not seem obvious)

·        How the piece is put together (Structure of the passage, sentence, chapter etc.)

·        Repetitions

·        Anomalies

·        Literary Devices

Observations      (Complete this first)                              Interpretive Leap (Complete AFTER observations)



Rough Draft of claim/thesis (In other words, how would you now answer the question you posed at the top of the sheet) :  ____________________________________________________________________

Revision of claim/thesis (Revise for precision and clarity):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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