Sunday, February 8, 2015

Our Padlet project, make sure you are working on annotating and writing about your quotations!

American Literature                                                                                                                            Name:________________

Transcendentalism Project

40 Points

What do the Transcendentalists believe?

Macintosh HD:Users:katiemccarty:Desktop:ndc8RzRTe.jpeg

Directions: For this assignment, you will collaborate with your partner to create a Padlet wall that reflects Emerson and Thoreau’s Transcendentalist ideas on a particular topic. Before you begin to create your Padlet, you MUST identify the Transcendentalist’s beliefs on the topic. The more specific and precise your claim statements the better your Padlet will be.



1.     The Transcendentalists believe

2.     The Transcendentalists believe

3.     The Transcendentalists believe

4.     The Transcendentalists believe

5.     The Transcendentalists believe

6.     The Transcendentalists believe

7.     The Transcendentalists believe

8.     The Transcendentalists believe

9.     The Transcendentalists believe

10.  The Transcendentalists believe



The purpose of this assignment is to be an expert on your topic and to educate the class about the Transcendentalist movement. We want to make sense of who these innovative thinkers were and understand how influential they were and still are in today’s society.



Look at the Transcendentalist quotation packet to find inspiration. Select the most relevant quotes/excerpts that will help you understand Emerson and Thoreau’s beliefs in relation to your topic.

§  Interpret and analyze the significance of those passages by providing key words on your wall.

§  Depending on how you structure your wall, you may want to include short quotations from the packet.

§  Include art, music, comic strips, etc. to enhance your presentation.

§  Create a fitting title for your wall, and be sure your names are on the wall.


NOTE: Your Padlet wall should NOT have a lot of words. Illustrate and elaborate on what Transcendentalists believed through key words, visual representations, etc. You will present your findings to the class, which is when you elaborate and explain the material.


This is your wall, so BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN! It must be school appropriate.


Once you create your masterpiece, you will teach the class your topic.





An “A” presentation:

·       Identifies precise and specific beliefs of Transcendentalism

·       Demonstrate a thoughtful and insightful synthesis of your topic

·        Provides an excellent understanding of the topic to the class

·       Engages and informs the audience (all members plays an active role in the presentation)

·       Students elaborate and explain how key words, illustrations, music, etc. correlates to the assigned topic.


A “C” presentation:


·       Identifies basic understandings of the Transcendentalist’s beliefs, but the ideas are imprecise or repetitive.

·       Provides an overly basic and/or repetitive understanding of the topic

·        Relies heavily on notes with only some elaboration

·       Conveys basic information through chosen illustrations, key words, etc

·       Illustrates the topic in an overly broad or basic fashion



An “F” presentation:

·       Is either incomplete or does not include the requirements for the assignment

·       Is read from the Padlet wall and does not elaborate on any information.

·       Presents few or no visual aids, key words, etc.

·       Fails to educate or engage the audience

·       The student does not play an active role in the presentation. Information that is presented is confusing and/or irrelevant.



**Any student who does not participate in the presentation or the preparation of the Padlet  receive a grade commensurate with the student’s preparation and presentation****

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