Sunday, February 28, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Last call for papers due before break!

As I indicated in class yesterday, if you owe me a paper I must have it by today.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Due before you leave for February Break!

  • Please be sure that you have turned in your coded rough draft and the final draft of your Regents extended task before you leave for break.
Have a nice break!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Class on 2/9

Today in class I collected the read/write sheets for the Regents extended task. I also collected the drafts of the Regents task.

If you did not get me a draft copy of your Regents argument paper, please be sure that the draft is to me before 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon.

On Thursday we will be revising our papers and preparing to hand in a final copy.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Homework for Tuesday.

For homework please finish reading the assigned article. Then, complete the read/write sheet. Bring your articles and read/write sheet to class on Tuesday and we will draft the Regents Part II argument essay.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Vice documentary on conflict metals

In class today we began a read/write sheet for our new essential question: Does technology improve people's lives?

We read and discussed the NY Times article that was due for today. Then we began to watch the Vice documentary on conflict metals in the Congo.

Please finish watching the documentary, which can be found here:

Be sure to identify the big ideas on the "Read" section of your read/write sheets.

I will see you on Friday.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Block 5 Post your question here.

In class we began reading the following article:

Your homework is to complete the reading of the article and then to post a question or idea that you would like to discus. Be sure to post an original question.

Block 1 Post questions for the reading discussion here!

Be sure to post your question by noon on Tuesday.